What gets measured, gets managed. We measure and monitor Social Impact globally

Our research identifies and showcases Global Impact champions so Impact space can learn and grow together

Social Impact Mareva Etiko Social Impact ESG CSR Impact Investing
Social Impact Mareva Etiko Social Impact ESG CSR Impact Investing

We monitor and assess Impact Startups in 84 countries through our mareva 360º framework. The best performing 250 Impact Startups (per category), mareva 250 are highlighted in our Impact Ecosystem Report

Champion : Impact Startups

SDG focused Social Impact Startups that make a significant Impact

mareva 250
white concrete building wall
white concrete building wall

Total number of countries covered in the Startup monitor

84 Countries

20 Parameters

KPI´s and Performance indicators that are used to assess a Startup

Total UN SDG that are covered in our analysis

17 SDG Covered

Etiko 250 Best Top Social Impact CSR Startups ESG Impact Investing
Etiko 250 Best Top Social Impact CSR Startups ESG Impact Investing

Below you can acsess the assessment methodology that explains the mareva 360º framework and the key indicators used to gauge and rate the performance of mareva 250 Impact Startups

mareva 250 Impact Startups (V1.3)

Impact champions are working to make our world better. We are right behind them all the way

We back Impact Champions through enabling partnerships, showcasing their good work and cheering them along. You can support them too, join us in this mission

Etiko 250 Best Top Social Impact CSR Corporations ESG Impact Investing
Etiko 250 Best Top Social Impact CSR Corporations ESG Impact Investing

We monitor and assess Corporate Impact Programs in 44 countries through our mareva 360º framework. The best performing 250 corporate programs, etiko 250 are highlighted in our Impact Ecosystem Report

white concrete building wall
white concrete building wall
Champion : Corporation

Corporate (CSR / ESG) Programs that make a significant Impact

etiko 250

Total number of countries covered in the corporate monitor

44 Countries

29 Parameters

KPI´s and Performance indicators that are used to assess a program

Total number of Corporate sectors covered in our analysis

30 Sectors

Etiko 250 Best Top Social Impact CSR Corporations ESG Impact Investing
Etiko 250 Best Top Social Impact CSR Corporations ESG Impact Investing

Below you can acsess the assessment methodology that explains the mareva 360º framework and the key indicators used to gauge and rate the performance of etiko 250 Corporate programs

etiko 250 Corporate Programs (V2.4)


"Private by invite only" round table for Corporations to interact with the most promising Impact Champions globally

a white building with lines and shapes on it
a white building with lines and shapes on it